Project description
Amur Gas Chemical Complex (Amur GCC) is an enterprise being constructed at 15 km from the city of Svobodny in Amur Region. The plant will produce polyethylene and polypropylene of various trademarks from ethane, propane and butane, which will be supplied from the neighboring Amur Gas Processing Plant. It is assumed that the enterprise under construction will become the most powerful in terms of productivity in Russia and one of the world’s largest enterprises for production of base polymers.
The rainfall treatment facilities (RTF) are designed for purification of the rainfall from the construction site of Amur Gas Chemical Complex (GCC) to the quality that meets the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 552 dated December 13, 2016 «On approval of the water quality standards for fishery water bodies, including standards for maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in waters of fishery water bodies».
The scope of the project works includes development of the project design documentation for the facility «Amur GCC». UI&O facilities. Rainfall treatment facilities, including obtaining of a positive conclusion of the state expert review board and approvals of the competent state authorities.
Scope of the project works:
- development of the Basic Technical Solutions;
- provision of the Input Data (ID) for EIA (Environment Impact Assessment), EPMP (Environmental Protective Measures Plan);
- development of the project design documentation;
- development of the estimate documentation;
- development of a 3D model of the facility;
- support of undergoing the state expert examinations.