Package supply is supply of industrial equipment combined into a single process complex designed to produce certain products ready for consumption or further processing.
Package supplies include a complex of research and design and survey works related to construction of a complete facility, supply of the entire scope of the process equipment, transfer of licenses and know-how, exercise of the designer’s supervision, installation supervision, adjustment, warranty tests and putting the facility into operation, with achievement of the target performance indicators.
ASP-AQUA takes full responsibility for completing the equipment to ensure the technological process with the unit, ensuring that the process indicators required by the project are achieved.
Supply of the equipment as a package gives us an opportunity to design and offer to the customer the most efficient (both in quality and price) set of equipment, relying not only on the process parameters, but also taking into account the unique requirements of the customer, as well as using components from the vendor list agreed upon by the customer.
Package supply is made by ASP-AQUA in accordance with the purchase specifications elaborated in detail by our specialists and agreed upon with the customer and excludes uncoordinated actions and decisions at all project stages due to the coherence and close communication of the design, logistics and installation departments of our company.