Facilities that have a negative impact on the environment, depending on the impact level, are divided into the following four categories:
- Those having a significant negative impact on the environment and related to the areas of application of the best available technologies – facilities of category I;
- Those having a moderate negative impact on the environment – facilities of category II;
- Those having a minor negative impact on the environment – facilities of category III;
- Those having the minimal negative impact on the environment – facilities of category IV.
The criteria, based on which facilities that have a negative impact on the environment, are referred to facilities of categories I, II, III and IV, when they are registered with the state authorities and are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Specialists of ASP-AQUA LLC have the necessary experience, knowledge and qualifications to organize the entire package of works on NEI elimination including:
- conduct of necessary surveys, including engineering surveys;
- development of a plan of operations on NEI liquidation;
- coordination and approval of the plan of operations with Federal Ecological Operator (FEO) Federal State Unitary Enterprise;
- carrying out works on NEI liquidation;
- monitoring and delivery of completed works.
The composition of the preliminary surveys, in addition to the engineering surveys necessary for preparation of the plan of operations on elimination of accumulated damage will include as follows:
- information about the disturbed properties of the components of the natural environment;
- actual values of physical, chemical and biological parameters of the components of the natural environment, their totality and background values in the area adjacent to the facility;
- the volume of violations.
The structure of the plan of operations on NEI liquidation will include as follows:
- explanatory note, including the preliminary examination results;
- ecological and economic justification of the proposed measures and technical solutions for elimination of the accumulated damage, description of the requirements to the parameters and qualitative characteristics of the works, justification of achievement of the planned values of environmental condition indicators upon accomplishment of the works;
- content, scope and time schedule of the works, broken down by stages of carrying out of individual types of works;
- estimate calculations (local and consolidated) of the costs for carrying out of each stage of the works;
- measures to ensure the work performance and occupational safety.
One of the main methods of elimination of the consequences of accumulated environmental damage or one of its implementation stages is reclamation of land plots disturbed as a result of the negative impact of economic activities of nature users.
ASP-AQUA has all necessary SRO permits, employee performance appraisals and ISO certification for the right to perform survey, design and construction works on especially dangerous, technically challenging and unique facilities of industrial enterprises and municipalities.