The project management knowledge base accumulated over the years and based on successful experience in implementing challenging projects within various contract strategies, enables us to perform a full range of project management services, within the approved budget and set deadlines.
The organizational structure of project management in construction depends on the project complexity, its specifics, investment volume, implementation terms, regional and climatic peculiarities, such as work in the Far North conditions, significant farness from populated areas, as well as other unfavorable conditions.
Main Stages of Project Management
ASP-AQUA has confirmed skills of efficient management of capital construction projects at any stages: from designing and obtaining the initial permissive documentation to implementation of a turn-key project and handing it over into operation with achievement of the target performance.
Project Management Functions
The project and its changes are managed through the following processes:
- Initiation of the works
- Subject area planning
- Subject area determination
- Clarifications and confirmations of the subject area
- Control of changes in the subject area
- Resource planning
- Cost estimation
- Formation of estimates and budget
- Cost control
- Contract and supply planning
- Preparation and request for proposals
- Selecting sources
- Administration and closing of contracts
- Communication planning
- Information distribution
- Preparation of reports
- Project acceptance
- Project administration and closure
- Risk forecasting and identification
- Development of risk response methods
- Risk response control
- Organizational planning
- Recruitment of personnel
- Build-up and development of the project team
- Forecasting and identifying of changes
- Development of a project protection and modification plan
- Performance of the project modification plan
- Quality planning
- Quality assurance
- Quality control
- Determination of the works, their sequence and duration
- Development of a calendar schedule
- Progress monitoring