Project description
In addition to ash slags from coal combustion, the following were dumped at the Babkhinsky landfill: sludge-lignin, bark-containing wastes, solid household and construction wastes, ash from coal, sludge-lignin combustion, dregs, solid municipal wastes (SMW) of Baikal Cellulose and Cardboard Mill. Total 6.5 million tons of wastes.
Sludge storage facilities were built in the 1960s-70s as temporary waste storage sites for Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill until their deactivation technology was developed. Half a century later, such a technology has never been invented by mankind. Sludge storage cards are located at three waste landfills — Solzansky, Babkhinsky and at the BCCM industrial site. Babkhinsky landfill of BCCM wastes is located at 12 km from Solzansky, on the bank of the Babkha River and includes 3 cells — No. 12-14.
Sludge-lignin wastes, as well as wastes from coal combustion, bark wastes, black liquor wastes and excess activated silt of Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill, the activities of which were stopped in 2013, are buried at Solzansky landfill. In total, 14 sludge storage cells have remained from the operation of Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill. These are huge artificial hydraulic reservoirs with an area of 180 hectares and a volume of more than 6.5 million m3, which contain lignin and other wastes from the pulp production, ash and sludge from incineration of these wastes, thermal power plant ash, household and construction garbage, wastes from the treatment facilities and many other types of wastes and substances of all hazard classes.
Sludge storage facilities were built in the 1960s-70s as temporary waste storage sites for Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill until their deactivation technology was developed. Half a century later, such a technology has never been invented by mankind. Sludge storage cards are located at three waste landfills — Solzansky, Babkhinsky and at the BCCM industrial site. Solzansky waste landfill is located in the settlement of Solzan, in the interfluve of Bolshaya Osinovka and Malaya Osinovka, includes 10 sludge storage cells — No. 1-10.
In terms of environmental engineering, ASP-AQUA provides technical support and ensuring performance of works on lowering of the level and treatment of upper sludge waters in the storage cells of Solzansky and Babkhinsky landfills in Irkutsk Region.