Project description
Baltic Chemical Complex (Gas Chemical Complex) is part of the Ethane–Rich Gas Processing Complex (ERGPC) being constructed in the north-west of the Russian Federation – a flagship investment project of the modern Russia on creation of one of the world’s largest clusters for raw hydrocarbons deep conversion.
Baltic Chemical Complex Project provides for construction of a polyethylene production complex with a design capacity of up to 3 million tons per year in Kingisepp District of Leningrad Region.
The Gas Chemical Complex (GCC) under construction is part of the Ethane-Rich Gas Processing Complex of Baltic Chemical Complex LLC and is designed to produce high-quality high-density polyethylenes, low-density linear polyethylenes and low-density metallocene polyethylenes. The Complex is based on an Ethane Fraction Crackers Complex, Ethylene Polymerization Units and Linear Alpha-Alefins Production Complex, as well as auxiliary facilities of the UI&O facilities necessary for GCC safe and sustainable functioning.
The chemical water treatment and condensate treatment unit is an auxiliary facility and is not designed for marketable products output. The unit operation provides treatment of drinking water, turbine and process condensates to the quality of demineralized water, which is directed to the needs of the relevant consumers of the Complex.
The raw materials for the chemical water treatment unit are as follows:
- water of drinking quality coming from water supply treatment facilities;
- process condensate;
- turbine condensate.
Scope of the project works:
- detail engineering (release of the detail design documentation);
- development of a 3D model of the facility;
- package supply of all process equipment of the unit;
- start-up and adjustment works and putting it into operation;
- training of the customer’s personnel.