Support of Procurement and Supplies of Equipment Environmental Engineering Implementation of Turn-Key Projects Start-Up and Adjustment Works and Putting into Operation Construction Management Manufacture of Water Conditioning and Water Treatment Equipment Package Supply of the Process Equipment Project Management Field Engineering Development of a 3D Model Basic and Detail Engineering Preliminary Engineering Automation Systems NEI Facilities UI&O Auxiliary Facilities UI&O Water Bodies Supply of the package of the equipment for a biological treatment unit, Afipsky Refinery Chemical Water Treatment Plant (EPC project), Moscow Refinery Design of a chemical water treatment unit, Moscow Refinery Design of the steam-refined acidic water after-treatment unit of the Delayed Coking Unit (DCU), Moscow Refinery Design of BOV-8a and BOV-8b cooling water supply units, Moscow Refinery Design of rainfall treatment facilities, Amur GCC Design of a surface water intake on the Zeya River, Amur GCC Design of the river water treatment plant, Amur GCC Design of waste water treatment facilities, Amur Gas Chemical Complex (GCC) Supply of the deoiler equipment package, Orsknefteorgsintez Supply of the dewatering unit equipment package, Afipsky refinery Supply of the desalination unit equipment package, Afipsky Refinery Supply of the package of the equipment for the water treatment unit, Afipsky Refinery Design of the decarbonization and softening unit of artesian water, Afipsky Refinery Chemical Water Treatment Unit (EPC project), Tatneft Supply of a package of the equipment for the ultraviolet disinfection unit, Orsknefteorgsintez Design of a Graphitized Electrode Plant, Gazpromneft-Grafitek Design and supply of the equipment for the cooling water supply units, Baltic Chemical Complex Design and supply of the equipment for the chemical water treatment unit, Baltic Chemical Complex Construction of a crystallization unit and a warehouse of finished ammonium sulfate, Nizhnekamsk TPP Works on elimination of accumulated damage of the treatment facilities at Krasny Bor landfill for toxic industrial wastes Lowering of the level and treatment of upper sludge waters in Babkhinsky and Solzansky landfill storage cells for toxic industrial wastes (TIW), Baikal Integrated Pulp and Paper Mill Liquid Nitrogen Storage (EPC project), Moscow Refinery Waste water precipitator (EPC project), Moscow Refinery BOV-8A Cooling Water Supply Unit (EPC project), Moscow Refinery Flare system of the sulfur recovery plant (EPC project), Moscow Refinery Local treatment plants of the Olefin Production Complex (EPCm project), Nizhnekamskneftekhim